
Annabelle, Level 1 In-studio

Annabelle, Level 1 In-studio

HI Carrie,

I trust you, My Health Yoga and the community are all well!!!
This has been in my Heart for seemingly years now…
So, finally I’m putting it into physical realm (or email).
I feel so much gratitude for you and all the teachers who facilitated the Level 1 Y.T.T., which graduated at the beginning of 2014.
At the time I didn’t feel so aware of just how powerful the practice and teachings are and I also wasn’t ready to dive straight into teaching Yoga with others; though, looking back now, I see with clarity that all the seeds were planted in the garden and with some love and nurturing, my garden has been blossoming over the years and continues to grow and evolve.
Each moment of pause and reflection about my journey stems back to some of the roots Earthed with My Health Yoga and our training. There is much of the teachings which still hold true for me today.
Over the years of experiencing many teachers from various places in this World, I’ve discovered some truly wonderful teachers and practices and some of a difference resonance and always, I connect to my roots with MHY and feel blessed to have been guided on the path with this community and its teachings.
I’m also grateful that during the course, I was still engaged in many self destructive behaviours and patterns and yet, warmly and lovingly embraced, with resonance of my worthiness to be there and apart of the community.
I really thank you for that because it’s been a huge part of redirecting my life into a far more loving and light embrace and ultimately, I have so much more to offer this Universe now, simply because I was received in truth.
I’m meeting more and more Souls in everyday Life who have also walked some of their journey with MHY and they too are in appreciation.
I’m also grateful to have some of your DVD’s and when needed, I can facilitate a practice for myself with your guidance and I find that nurturing, to connect with your Light, so thank you.
I’m sure I can write on and on but essentially; THANK YOU!
Bliss and love with you all!!
Annabelle,  Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training 2013
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