
Shah, Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training Online

Shah, Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training Online

Hi Greg & Carrie Anne,

YAY! Thank you, thank you!

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you both and the influence you’ve had on my spiritual journey. I’m a big believer that ‘what you seek is seeking you’ and considering YTT was not even on my list of things to do at the start of 2023, I feel this crossing of paths is thanks to a greater wisdom at work. 

As expected, there were (several) moments of reflection when I submitted my last exams, firstly what a powerful body of knowledge I’ve come to possess around mastering our energy and secondly how fundamentally my inner world has changed. The ease and flow and interconnectedness is finally crystallising for me after a long process of transition/ integration.

I’ve loved every hour of my MHY classes, each session a universal life lesson that somehow was the exact message I needed to hear that day. I remember in one of the earlier online classes Carrie Anne mentions these ‘hippy trippy’ coincidences, amazing things happening without effort, which I’ve now come to know as tuning into to the frequency of abundance, as something we can objectively manifest – and low and behold, these moments now happen for me all the the time.

As for teaching, I’m casually keeping an eye out for sessions locally to get some practice but I do have some creative ideas of my own which I’ll be sure to share in due time. 

Thanks again, 


Shah XO

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