Hi Greg & Carrie Anne,
YAY! Thank you, thank you!
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you both and the influence you’ve had on my spiritual journey. I’m a big believer that ‘what you seek is seeking you’ and considering YTT was not even on my list of things to do at the start of 2023, I feel this crossing of paths is thanks to a greater wisdom at work.
As expected, there were (several) moments of reflection when I submitted my last exams, firstly what a powerful body of knowledge I’ve come to possess around mastering our energy and secondly how fundamentally my inner world has changed. The ease and flow and interconnectedness is finally crystallising for me after a long process of transition/ integration.
I’ve loved every hour of my MHY classes, each session a universal life lesson that somehow was the exact message I needed to hear that day. I remember in one of the earlier online classes Carrie Anne mentions these ‘hippy trippy’ coincidences, amazing things happening without effort, which I’ve now come to know as tuning into to the frequency of abundance, as something we can objectively manifest - and low and behold, these moments now happen for me all the the time.
As for teaching, I’m casually keeping an eye out for sessions locally to get some practice but I do have some creative ideas of my own which I’ll be sure to share in due time.
Thanks again,
Shah XO
- THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I have absolutely loved being part of your community, the my health community! I have felt so loved and so welcome and my confidence has grown so much. It’s not just about doing a course and learning – you guys offer so much more than just knowledge. All the human warmth, wisdom, love, encouragement, acceptance and inspiration you give to others is so special. I am so excited to have achieved this! I have learnt so much too!! The content was solid! I wish my email had a happy dance emoji because that’s what I would put on this now. You are beautiful people! Hopefully one day I can meet you in person. Much Love Sommer
- Healers Course OnlineI can not thank you enough Carrie, I have read your email twice now and it has bought me to tears both times, for more reasons than one.I have never had Reiki, so was not too sure what was going to happen, especially when you are far away, not even in the same room.YOU ARE AMAZING!!! PHENOMENAL!!! INCREDIBLE!! That was mind blowing in itself. Your face popped up several times too.I am still processing, lots of thoughts going round and round, trying to make sense. Thankfully I have the afternoon to reflect.Thank you again Carrie, you are a true healer, almost felt like magical powers, and I am so happy I have found you. You have and will continue to change my life so I can change others. I love where I am right now. Thank you.Shannon, Reiki 1 Initiation via the Distant Healing method, Healers Course
- Thank you so much Carrie!You are truly amazing and your course is amazing! I never thought I would get prompt replies from any online course!Thank you thank you thank you!Just can’t thank you enough!Hoping I can get some income so that I can continue my other courses with MyHealth! Love it so much!!!!!!!! Thank you once again and Namaste.Shuyu
- I couldn’t thank you enough. Every step has been fabulous, even during the tears of “ what am I doing ?” Moments.I will be studying with you again next year, pregnancy and post for sure, then level 2 once Ive been teaching for a year.A little sad to temporarily say goodbye.Our local council is giving me 3 classes to teach at the gym, which is exciting. That starts in November, and I’m subbing an over 55’s class next week.Thankyou again, I really cannot say it enough. My smile is as bright as the Perth sun right now. I am sending you and your MHY family all my love. You are all so inspirational, i am incredibly blessed to of found you. The universe definitely put me in your pathway .Take careMore loveLynette xxNamaste
- Can I just say thank you for creating this course, I always knew in my heart this is what I wanted to do, but I did not expect the impact this would have on me – I have healed, grown and never felt more “at home” with myself or found out more about myself, so much more than I could have ever imagined and I want to thank you all for this gift. Namaste. Wendy
- Pregnancy & Postpartum Online Hi you beautiful LouAbsolutely loving the experience, feeling your beautiful energy coming through. My heart is filled with gratitude as I keep learning and growing myself as well as being able to support pregnant women on their beautiful journey very soon.As I sat here this arvo reading, watching, listening and practicing yoga with you, all these beautiful, deep and incredible memories came flooding back, and I went as far back as going back into my own Mum's womb to "feel" all her anxieties and insecurities she had when she carried me nearly 58 years ago. Tears were rolling down my face, but not out of pity or feeling sorry for myself or my Mum, they were tears of acceptance and love for my Mum and also for myself, embracing my own uniqueness, which brought me to this exact moment in time.Thanking you so much for this beautiful in depth course Lou.You are a beautiful soul.NamasteRuth
- Yin OnlineHello Carrie,Well, I think I have finished the online yin TT. It really was amazing. It was exactly what I needed.I was looking to learn about meridians and metaphysical links and taking my predominantly physical, asana based classes to a whole new therapeutic level. The content of your course was beyond my expectations. It is like a breath of fresh air to know that there are people out there that can take me to my next level.Kym
- Can not believe I am submitting my last assignment, this has been such a life changing experience and I am so thankful that the universe steered me to my health yoga, it provided an opportunity for me to do what I love, without having to sacrifice huge chunks of time away from my young family. Thanks so much Susie for your thoughtful responses to all of my assignments, I get so excited each time I get a new comment, you really do care so much about your students and it is clear you spend so much time reading every detail. Thanks Carrie for always being a phone call away and making this process such an enjoyable one, I have already recommended this course to so many people, you have created such a beautiful space for people to learn and at the same time feel so supported, which I think can be hard to establish with online learning. Talk soon beauties! xxx
- Thank you so so much really loving this level 2 course it’s solidifying so much I have already learnt over the past 20 years of my Yoga journey. Much love & blessings Jen
- Hi Carrie,Despite approx 19 years of my own practice; teaching small groups as a qualified PT; & the last 3 years of furthering my education in Mindfulness & Yoga through on-line courses & articles, I initially & naively thought that this course would cover info I had already learnt.So, thank you for creating such an in-depth experience that can be completed on-line (own pace, space & time). I look forward to the future modules.Namaste,Donna
- Hi Carrie,I just wanted to say a quick thank you. I'm at module 3 in the course and have been feeling quite overwhelmed by it all, some of the books i have been reading from the reading list, whilst being very interesting and opening my heart and mind to new ideas, have at times left me feeling inadequate and incapable of what I am learning. As an example I am reading meditation and mantras at the moment and had got myself completely over thinking meditation, sure that if I don't have a specific space in my house to meditate, exact time of day and length of time to do it I'm just setting myself up to fail, yesterday I was so sure I had got it all wrong having even signed up for the course in the first place I mean who was I kidding right?But today I watched your module 3 workshop videos and was reminded that we all have to start somewhere that really meditation is easy and can be done anywhere at anytime. Yes try to do it every day and be consistent but i dont have to have my own spot in the house that no one else ever goes into to be able to do it. I also did the 30 minute forgiveness meditation after the workshop, i have never meditated for more than around 15 mins and thought i would have no chance of going 30, also thinking this would leave me feeling the activity would be impossible.It was an amazing 30 minutes, I cried and felt about some things I didn't even realise I still cared about, I thought I had already forgiven and let go but this brought out more from me, and the 30 minutes flew by. I will admit I did this one laying down but I feel like meditation is within me, I felt tingling in my body a lightness and after it I felt great, exhausted but great. I am looking forward to trying the activity meditation now instead of apprehensive.Thank you, thank you for making the course relevant and accessible to everyone and for making people feel that being human is ok.Naomi
- Hi MHY family,It's been a while since I received this wonderful and kind email from you guys regarding my video assignment. I much appreciated all your kind words of encouragement and support. It really makes all the difference when you are entering a new chapter in your life.All through this course I felt completely supported and I think you can all be proud of what you are offering the world through your courses.I sure will be back for further studies. I am excited about the future and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to go on this journey of self discovery. What a blessing. My hope is to carry this message on to my community and share my knowledge, so that others might find some peace, love and self acceptance.When I finished my course I was fortunate enough to go traveling with my daughter (5yo) for a couple of month and we had the best bonding time. I was seeing things very differently and we truly got to live in the moment together every day.Upon returning I have now opened my own little yoga studio in Adelaide and I am ready to serve others as I have always wanted to. I feel so incredibly grateful and all of you at MHY are part of my journey. Much love to you all and keep doing what you are makes a difference!!!!Warm RegardsMarlen SingerYoga Life SA
- Thanks you all for such an amazing journey. I have really enjoyed each and everyone of the modules and have been able to incorporate many of the insights, wisdom and strategies into my personal and work life.Thankyou sooo much for your humbling feedback . I must say it brought a few tears as I realised I have found a philosophy, a passion ,a purpose ,true meaning and now look forward to every day as I continue to grow. The self critic in me had some doubts but yesterday I taught a class as a qualified yoga teacher at work to mental health patients ranging from 77yrs to 25 yrs and was able to adjust it accordingly. Everyone left calm and relaxed . Its so fulfilling to be able share this philosophy . Thankyou so much for giving me this opportunity .Much loveNamasteCoralie
- Thank you so much Carrie, I have a huge amount of gratitude to the My Health Team and your provision of these courses for remote students such as myself. I searched for years to find a course that I could logistically do living where I do that offered me a well grounded knowledge base to work from, on King Island and through the Universe intervening, the ducks lined up so to speak and I found you. I appreciate your feedback on my filmed class too, thank you very much, it made me proud of my journey to where I am now. The biggest thing this course has opened up for me is my desire to keep learning, to keep being a student so who knows you may see me again in one of your other courses! Take care gorgeous Carrie, and thank you for coming into my existence. Namaste Renae
- I a very grateful for the love and attention that you have put in to the education of all of the trainees that go through your school. It has been a beautiful experience that I will be grateful and blessed to remember through my life.Blessings of Love and Light to everyone at the My Health Yoga family.- Megen
- Thank you so much Carrie and Carlos. I am very excited and I have really enjoyed the course and learnt so much.Thank you again.Best wishes and have a fantastic day.Namaste- Sharon
- How wonderful today is. Dear Carrie,This morning I had plans of finishing my final assignment, my class plan....Rather than forcing the completion and being critical of the result, today is different. My usual pattern is to overwork which I have done for most of my life and I catch myself frequently as I enter a new phase of growth. My numerous heart and emotional breakthrough's these past few months have caused such personal power, insight and change with myself, my relationships, my choices, what I value...The greatest learning has been my acceptance that it is ok to be me. So, today is just a simple of example of resisting the urge to do what I have always done. I have taken a break from working "fulltime" these past months, so that I can create the space to grow and heal and play and nourish. Rather than pushing through and overthinking, I am resting in sunshine.So I wanted to let you know that your feedback and insights are welcome as I grow and continue to learn about myself. My breakthroughs and relationship with myself continue to evolve. My small community of students, although few can be guaranteed wisdom, kindness and a safe place.You both are such wonderful souls for all that you do, and all that you are. As my mentors, friends and teachers you have created such a safe learning space for a 45 year old something like me to flourish. I can't thankyou enough for giving me the tools to open my heart.Heart felt love,N
- Trust all is swell in your fabulous world ? Just a short note to say hello and thank you so much for your services that have given so much to so many and providing the tools to fullfill long-held dreams. Almost there with my Yin Teacher training, only have to complete the two assignments and press submit. Level 1 was pretty well transformational yet...Yin traning has been totally transforming! I now feel a direct and constant line of intel to the universal intelligence team 🙂 Many thanks in stillness always.. Kindest love, - Di
- I just wanted to touch base & to let you know that I am so glad I have chosen to take on the Healers course with you and the rest of the My Health Yoga mob. On a personal level, I have found great comfort and healing and a deeper understanding of myself at a soul level. I am a Breast Cancer survivor. Not long after losing my Dad, my marriage broke down. A year later, I entered into a new relationship and lost a child and was told I had BC. I have done a lot of soul searching over the years and yoga and my previous study has helped tremendously. Your teaching has taught me to really fill my own cup and to not apologise for who I am. I am so glad that I have you as a guide on this beautiful journey of life. I feel loved, safe and nurtured. Many blessings to you all.- Suz
- I absolutely love Reiki. I asked my daughter if she would like some reiki and she did and she told me how peaceful she felt and if we can do that again ! So beautiful ! I feel the healing . Through my yoga practice I have been lucky to feel utterly connected to the light within me. The universal light the is one and all and I visualized that light I experience in yoga channelling through me into Charley for healing in areas she most needed. The healing was most certainly a gift for me. -- Hannah
- I feel normal, but more normal than I have felt in a very long time, maybe ever; relaxed, calm, happy, pain free. Reflecting on areas of previous discomfort/pain; I found I am chewing on both sides of my jaw now where I had toothache on the left side has gone, I had pain in my right hip that I have been working through with yoga, now my hip is soft and pain free. Yes I did 'feel' my REIKI Initiation; I felt energy arrive and a blessing before the Reiki initiation commenced. I didn’t feel heat (My hands actually felt cold), but I felt a shift in my alignment like someone/Spirits gave me an adjustment to my posture, with hands guiding over my body. I feel my chakras have opened, energy rising and I was moving clockwise and then anti-clockwise. I felt a spiral of golden light circling around my body, down and up again. I felt happy and remember I sneezed. Afterwards when the energy left I sat quietly and did a meditation on emptiness. - Sarah
- I felt your energy in the room with me the comfort and warmth was out of this angels and guides were also in the room I felt dad who passed few years ago told me he was there with me and was so proud of me following my path and not letting anyone stop me or get in the way so I got emotional because of he being there but also his words of courage ? he also said you are a beautiful lady and (that I do know.)..had visions to help to work towards my dreams and goals...third eye wide open pulsing, kundalini spinny like crazy anti clockwise and clockwise...warmth everywhere, i knew tou were finishing up cause dad said she is finishing up and told me when you were done... (my dad is a nosing man lol and always wants to tell you all thats happening haha).... towards the end my head became extremely heavy, pulsing and then yay thank you so much beautiful Carrie, I am extremely grateful for this and cant thank you enough xoxox- Kamira
"Carrie I can feel your authenticity through the screen 🙂 you know what you are talking about and that is obvious.
This is what I was looking for - to be inspired and taught by people 'walking the walk'."
- Nik"Hi Carrie ,
I have started the course. Thank you for this amazing opportunity . The web content is very straight forward and easy to understand. I am very pleased with my decision"
- Ismail"Hi, Firstly I just wanted to let you know just how much I love the online yoga videos provided with the online teacher training course. The posture and alignment queues are very thorough and make me feel as if I’m at an actual class (actually, they are probably much better than some of the classes I have been too!). I also love how you mention the impact on the meridians of the body, which no other yoga instructor has discussed before that I have heard. This resonates with me particularly due to my massage background with a particular interest in acupressure and TCM. I’m really happy with the course so far."
- Karen"Hi Carrie I am about halfway through my online teacher training and I wanted to share how awakened I feel from this experience so far and to just sincerely thank you for guiding me onto this beautiful path. People close to me have even been commenting on how radiant and happy I am lately, and it is because of the knowledge and awareness I have gained through you."
- Cas"Hi, Firstly I just wanted to let you know just how much I love the online yoga videos provided with the online teacher training course. The posture and alignment queues are very thorough and make me feel as if I’m at an actual class (actually, they are probably much better than some of the classes I have been too!). I also love how you mention the impact on the meridians of the body, which no other yoga instructor has discussed before that I have heard. This resonates with me particularly due to my massage background with a particular interest in acupressure and TCM. I’m really happy with the course so far."
- Karen"Hello Carrie & Carlos, Just completed the Alignment Workshop…. LOVED IT!!! You are both wonderful teachers J I am blessed to be trained by you. I loved the outtakes 😉 …. Brilliant end to the video!
Thank you for your excellent advice, course notes and just all round loveliness!!!
Namaste, Love and Light
- Nat"Hi Carrie-Ann,
Im currently taking your on line level 1 teacher training & i just wanted to say thankyou, i am learning so much & am so filled with love & gratitude for this experience my life is changing & unfolding in ways i never imagined, Thankyou to all at My Health Yoga have a beautiful day.
- Kylie"I am on such an amazing journey at the moment, I am just amazed. Just loving every minute (a little nerve-wracking at times, but cannot be happier). I am currently taking a class of ladies who have scoliosis and I am getting such positive feedback from them, so awesome! I just want to thank you guys for the unbelievable knowledge and encouragement you have given. This has been such a HUGE step of personal growth for me and it trickles down to my students and family.
- Lisa"Dear Carrie
Thanks a lot for guiding me through the whole course, i have learnt a lot from this course, and really appreciate that, once again, universe has chosen the best for me!
Here is a bit sharing about my learning.
when I write my assignments, I never feel like it's a assignment, it's more like a self reflection to me for my past. All these vedios and assignment give me deeper and refreshed understanding about my life experience and lessons. That's why I enjoy the couse so much.
About the online yoga class, I make my own fun about it. I do not practice with every online class I had watched. Sometimes I just sit there and listen, listen how you describe every asana, how you guide the energy through, etc. And sometime I just mute the vedio, watch the vedio and imagine I am teaching, the talk through the class, see how I describe every movement by my own words. It's a great fun ^_^
During my training, I experice few turbulences. And your blog light a light for me, to learn truly trust universe plan and myself, to learn true surrender and acceptance. Today i still read your blog now and then, try to find the wisdom from words and sentences.
Once again, big thanks with gratitude
My very first own yoga class start next Monday at Griffith Uni Fitness, and I will keep coming to MHY for classes^_^
- Cindy"Hi guys I just wanted to say how impressed I am so far with the course content and structure. It's really reassuring that something online for something so physical can feel so thorough. I'm really enjoying your classes as well Carrie - thank you."
- O."I have started my Online Learning for Yoga Level 1 in the past few days and have briefly looked over everything I just have to say you, it is AMAZING. I cannot believe how thorough the course is and how you have gone into depth with the metaphysical benefits as well, I am so excited and this course is fantastic! In love already!
Thank you thank you !!"
- Holly"Hello Carrie & Carlos,
I just wanted to let you know I taught my first official class last night and it was great!!! Everyone came up after class and gave me a hug and thanked me, it felt pretty special!
So much gratitude for you and all I've learnt so far, thank you both.
Namaste "
- Simone"I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Carrie and Carlos…I'm well into exploring Module 1 and I'm astonished and oh, so thankful for the amazing range of resources and supports you have included in the course. Videos, workbooks, tests, online classes…so many things that are really, really helpful. Huge appreciation to you both - it must have been a mammoth process putting everything together in such an accessible and thorough way.
With immense gratitude,."
- Sally
- Good morning Aw, I really want to take the time to freaking honour and celebrate you!!! I want to express how truly grateful I am. Thank you so, so much. Not just for the studio hire, not just for everything you have taught me in the last year, not just for the amount of joy you bring to my heart, but for how you continue to show up. For who you be. For the impact you are having on this planet. I see you, I see how you are choosing to show up, and how your are sharing your gifts, your medicine, your energy, your knowledge, your understanding, your love, your compassion with everyone you come into contact with. I am seeing how that then filters out to all those they come into contact with. You are such an inspiration. I am seeing how divinely aligned this has all become, how I was guided and navigated to you. Hopefully, this is just the begining. Hopefully there is much more magic waiting to unfold. So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Haha, I'm just having a deep appreciation for Carrie moment over here 😋 Nicole, Level 1, 2018
- Thank you so much beautiful Carrie for the amazing yoga teacher training journey, and all your support and lovely feedback. I'm not sure what magic you put into it but I'm so very grateful and looking forward to my next course! What an incredible journey, it has opened my eyes to so much, given structure to my spiritual curiosities, taught me how to listen to myself and others more deeply, and helped me find so much more love and trust for myself/the universe. But there's so many more knots to untie, so much more goddess in me to allow to unfurl, so much more pain to heal. I'm so glad I have begun this journey, in all its pain and all its joy.Thank you so much for shining your love and light on us all. May you have all the rest and joy you deserve!So much love,Kelsey, Brisbane Level 1 2019
"I was so glad to meet you the other week, your presence and being is really truly beautiful and I was discussing with the other students how if felt nice just being around you. I was buzzing for days after."
- Lauren, Sunshine Coast Yoga Teacher Training 2007"Thank you Carrie, your caring, kind heart it's appreciated by us all who attend your classes and teacher training. I know "life changing " can be used frequently , but I feel it has been for me,in the way I feel about me, my relationship with my son and the relationships I have every day with friends and family."
- Karen, Brisbane Yoga Teacher Training 2009"I would like to take this opportunity to thankyou Carrie-Anne and all the guest teachers for dedicating your time and sharing your wisdom. You are all an inspiration. I recommend and encourage the Yoga teacher training course not only to those who wish to teach but also to those who are in search of their spiritual path. I feel enlightened and inspired having been surrounded by so many like-minded people. The transfer of energies and the feelings that I encountered during each class will remain fond memories forever."
- Beth, Gold Coast Yoga Teacher Training 2007"The past two and a half years as a yoga teacher have been the most profound, positive and loving experience of my life. I wanted to thank you for taking me through the teacher training and to let you know that the journey has been very successful for both myself as a teacher, yoga practitioner and as a human being but also in terms of genuinely helping others. Your training and your energy has played a fundamental part in this beautiful experience. I am truly grateful to you."
- Kyla, Brisbane Yoga Teacher Training 2005- Hi Beautiful Carrie I cannot thank you and the wonderful team enough for everything you have done for me. I have LOVED every minute and cannot put into words what you all mean to me. I will definitely keep in touch and am VERY interested in doing the Kids Yoga Teacher Training. Thanks you are all such an inspiration. Blessings and Much Love Trish xo
- I am truly grateful for my journey with My Health Yoga. This is so much more than a teacher training course. I have learned so much about the philosophy of yoga,as well as the physical, emotional, spiritual and metaphysical aspects of yoga. Most importantly, though, I have learnt so much about myself! For that, I want to thank all the incredibly supportive teachers who are part of the teacher training team - Lyndal you're an absolute rock star, Susie you are so incredibly wise, Caroline you are an angel, Greg you are so knowledgeable (with such a great sense of humour!), and Carrie-Anne you holistically understand every aspect of yoga and you are your true authentic self - it is an absolute joy to be in the same room as you! Thank you all so much for taking us on this incredibly insightful and soul-inspiring journey!I also want to thank the beautiful souls who I was blessed to share my journey with - you are all so inspiring and open and I am so grateful to have shared this experience with you!From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel truly blessed to have taken the first leap on this never-ending journey with My Health Yoga. Namaste!Thanks again so much Carrie! It was an absolute pleasure! I'll keep in contact.NamasteSimone 😊
- Training with my health yoga was the best experience in my life, I found empathy, love and caring people that made me feel I AM enough - Simone, Brisbane Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training 2017
- It might be a cliche to say, but this has truly been a life changing journey and I can't thank the My Health Yoga team enough for their continual support, inspiration and beautiful authenticity.Looking forward to seeing you all again very soon xNamaste, Vicky
- Yesterday was our last module of our yoga teacher training. At the start of this, I remember Caroline telling me it would be life changing. And I figured it would be. But it has been life changing on a whole other level. One that I can’t really put into words right now. So I just want to take this moment to send gratitude to every single one of these beautiful ladies in my group. This tribe supported me and allowed space for me to be completely myself, and that alone is SUCH a gift. Thank you Carrie-Anne for creating such an incredibly healing and soul enriching course. And to Lyndal, you are a damn gem of a human, I feel so honoured that you were such an integral part of my journey here. And I am so thankful it’s a journey that never ends. Namaste! Rebecca 2019
"When I first started this course I know I was beginning a journey. I thought that this journey would be a voyage out into the Universe, and that the destination would be far away, beyond anything that I could imagine. I thought that my final summary of the course, my journey and the past year would provide some profound insight and revelations into greater consciousness and the complexities of the Universe around me. I thought that I would finally understand what is out there....What I did not realise was that the journey would simply bring me back to myself."
- Stacey, Gold Coast Yoga Teacher Training 2007- Hi Carrie,This journey, writing everything down has given me great insight into learning about myself, shown me some incorrect behavioural patterns I've picked up, which in turn has allowed me to grow and move forward.Thank you for such a unique and supportive platform that allows people the opportunity to transform. To have had this vision fulfilled is quite remarkable. Congratulations! The staff you have lead with their hearts, are passionate and extremely knowledgeable. I'm so grateful for finding this course, being guided so beautifully and built the relationships I have. Words really can't express the gratitude I feel. How do you simply say thank you to people who have changed your life?Thank you and many blessings.Bret xx
- Doing teacher training last year with MHY quite literally changed my trajectory at a crucial point in my life; it helped me to REMEMBER who I am! Can’t wait to share my love & light supporting & teaching others. - Amanda, Brisbane Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training 2018
- Oh my goodness…the time has officially come…I have FINALLY submitted everything for my Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training! I am BEYOND ecstatic!I’m sure you hear this a lot, but my goodness, I am so incredibly grateful to your team and this course for coming into my life when it did. I was so nervous when I started, and felt really out of place doing my training at such a young age (surely a 22 year old isn’t wise enough to be a yoga teacher?!). But honestly, I whole-heartedly believe that this course came to me at the EXACT moment it was meant to. It has helped align so many things in my life, and I will never ever stop preaching my everlasting love for the practice of yoga.Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am eternally grateful.Namaste.
Rebecca - Thank you all for such a wonderful year with MHY Teacher Training, Yoga is something I have always loved and MHY provided an amazing course to further explore this love. The modules, resources and teachers were all amazing and being from the Sunshine Coast, MHY TV was a beautiful addition to my practise and learnings. Lyndal is an outstanding facilitator and I’m forever grateful for all of the wisdom she shared throughout the journey. Susie provided the most in-tune yoga sessions I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of - such a beautiful soul. The Brisbane studio is in good hands with Caroline at the helm, her ease of teaching and connection was a pleasure to be on the receiving end of. Greg and Carrie, your online classes are simply the best, meeting you at the retreat was wonderful as well so thank you both for your ongoing commitment to the yoga community. Much love to you all xx Stacey, Brisbane Level 1 2019
- Thank you once again Carrie…. and of course, the other beautiful & generous person that is facilitating my incredible journey is Greg… I feel so truly blessed that through MHY and mum initially telling me of her wonderful experiences and healing through Greg, that I too have had so many life changing healings with him,…. and just love being in his energy space.He truly has such a gift and has helped me immensely as I embark on my exciting and somewhat unknown new path. I realise it is ok for the first time in my life to not have my exact ‘plan’… I have let go, and am trusting that the universe will show me my path when the time is right. In the meantime, I am embracing this journey and all of the experiences that are coming with it.MHY is a true reflection of you…your beautiful love & energy is at the core of MHY, and all of us that that come into contact with you, your training and the teachers, are so fortunate to then carry this with us. We really are truly blessed.Finally, thank you for creating the ’sanctuary’ from the outside world that is MHY… a place where we can all feel ’safe’ and be ‘raw’… and learn yes, but at the same time...truly heal and evolve….MHY is so so so much more that a ‘Yoga Teacher Training’ course.Wishing you an amazing weekendMuch loveJackie xxLevel 1, 2019
- So grateful to have trained with and to now teach at MHY. Such a strong message throughout YTT was to always embrace our authentic self! So much love for everyone there - Kate, Brisbane Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training 2018
- I’ve reached the end of my course now, just coming back from retreat this weekend. From the retreat I don’t think I’ve ever felt this close to the universe! I seriously feel more enlightened from this experience. I’m really starting to truly experience unconditional love fore everyone, everything, life, the souls I am able to connect with. A mantra/affirmation came to my intuition last night throughout universe time. “Life is such an amazing experience for my soul, I love you.” Really expressing my love to God/The Universe for exposing my soul to the human experience through life. I’m so grateful to be in a human form living a life, I feel like my soul is becoming more enlightened from this experience.
- This entire yoga teacher training experience has helped me experience a greater sense of unconditional love for every soul and everything, and allowing my soul to progress on this journey of enlightenment.
- Honestly, I don’t even know how else to describe what I am experiencing right now, words cannot justify these extraordinary emotions I am feeling, and will experience for the rest of my life.
- My Health Love!
- HI Carrie,I trust you, My Health Yoga and the community are all well!!!This has been in my Heart for seemingly years now...So, finally I'm putting it into physical realm (or email).I feel so much gratitude for you and all the teachers who facilitated the Level 1 Y.T.T., which graduated at the beginning of 2014.At the time I didn't feel so aware of just how powerful the practice and teachings are and I also wasn't ready to dive straight into teaching Yoga with others; though, looking back now, I see with clarity that all the seeds were planted in the garden and with some love and nurturing, my garden has been blossoming over the years and continues to grow and evolve.Each moment of pause and reflection about my journey stems back to some of the roots Earthed with My Health Yoga and our training. There is much of the teachings which still hold true for me today.Over the years of experiencing many teachers from various places in this World, I've discovered some truly wonderful teachers and practices and some of a difference resonance and always, I connect to my roots with MHY and feel blessed to have been guided on the path with this community and its teachings.I'm also grateful that during the course, I was still engaged in many self destructive behaviours and patterns and yet, warmly and lovingly embraced, with resonance of my worthiness to be there and apart of the community.I really thank you for that because it's been a huge part of redirecting my life into a far more loving and light embrace and ultimately, I have so much more to offer this Universe now, simply because I was received in truth.I'm meeting more and more Souls in everyday Life who have also walked some of their journey with MHY and they too are in appreciation.I'm also grateful to have some of your DVD's and when needed, I can facilitate a practice for myself with your guidance and I find that nurturing, to connect with your Light, so thank you.I'm sure I can write on and on but essentially; THANK YOU!Bliss and love with you all!!Annabelle,Annabelle, Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training 2013
- What a mixture of emotions our final L1YTT workshop raised for me. How wonderful to have spent so many Sundays in such inspiring company. I feel very blessed and grateful to you all for bringing such openness and kindness every time we were together. Thank you sooooo much Lyndal for guiding and supporting us. It was truly life changing for me and I know I am not alone. - Deb, Gold Caost Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training 2018