
Nicole, Level 1, 2018

Nicole, Level 1, 2018

Good morning

Aw, I really want to take the time to freaking honour and celebrate you!!!

I want to express how truly grateful I am.

Thank you so, so much. Not just for the studio hire, not just for everything you have taught me in the last year, not just for the amount of joy you bring to my heart, but for how you continue to show up. For who you be. For the impact you are having on this planet.

I see you, I see how you are choosing to show up, and how your are sharing your gifts, your medicine, your energy, your knowledge, your understanding, your love, your compassion with everyone you come into contact with. I am seeing how that then filters out to all those  they come into contact with. You are such an inspiration. I am seeing how divinely aligned this has all become, how I was guided and navigated to you. Hopefully, this is just the begining. Hopefully there is much more magic waiting to unfold.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Haha, I’m just having a deep appreciation for Carrie moment over here 😋

Nicole, Level 1, 2018

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