
Healers Online

Healers Online
Healers Course Online
I can not thank you enough Carrie, I have read your email twice now and it has bought me to tears both times, for more reasons than one.
I have never had Reiki, so was not too sure what was going to happen, especially when you are far away, not even in the same room.
YOU ARE AMAZING!!! PHENOMENAL!!! INCREDIBLE!! That was mind blowing in itself. Your face popped up several times too.
I am still processing, lots of thoughts going round and round, trying to make sense. Thankfully I have the afternoon to reflect.
Thank you again Carrie, you are a true healer, almost felt like magical powers, and I am so happy I have found you. You have and will continue to change my life so I can change others. I love where I am right now. Thank you.
Shannon, Reiki 1 Initiation via the Distant Healing method, Healers Course
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