
Billy – In-studio

Billy – In-studio
  •  I’ve reached the end of my course now, just coming back from retreat this weekend.  From the retreat I don’t think I’ve ever felt this close to the universe! I seriously feel more enlightened from this experience.  I’m really starting to truly experience unconditional love fore everyone, everything, life, the souls I am able to connect with. A mantra/affirmation came to my intuition last night throughout universe time.  “Life is such an amazing experience for my soul, I love you.”  Really expressing my love to God/The Universe for exposing my soul to the human experience through life.  I’m so grateful to be in a human form living a life, I feel like my soul is becoming more enlightened from this experience.
  • This entire yoga teacher training experience has helped me experience a greater sense of unconditional love for every soul and everything, and allowing my soul to progress on this journey of enlightenment.
  • Honestly, I don’t even know how else to describe what I am experiencing right now, words cannot justify these extraordinary emotions I am feeling, and will experience for the rest of my life.
  • My Health Love!

– Billy, Brisbane Yoga Teacher Training 2018

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