
Suz – Healers Course

Suz – Healers Course
I just wanted to touch base & to let you know that I am so glad I have chosen to take on the Healers course with you and the rest of the My Health Yoga mob. On a personal level, I have found great comfort and healing and a deeper understanding of myself at a soul level.  I am a Breast Cancer survivor. Not long after losing my Dad, my marriage broke down. A year later, I entered into a new relationship and lost a child and was told I had BC. I have done a lot of soul searching over the years and yoga and my previous study has helped tremendously. Your teaching has taught me to really fill my own cup and to not apologise for who I am. I am so glad that I have you as a guide on this beautiful journey of life. I feel loved, safe and nurtured. Many blessings to you all.
– Suz
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