
Sarah – Healers Course

Sarah – Healers Course

I feel normal, but more normal than I have felt in a very long time, maybe ever; relaxed, calm, happy, pain free. Reflecting on areas of previous discomfort/pain; I found I am chewing on both sides of my jaw now where I had toothache on the left side has gone, I had pain in my right hip that I have been working through with yoga, now my hip is soft and pain free. Yes I did ‘feel’ my REIKI Initiation; I felt energy arrive and a blessing before the Reiki initiation commenced. I didn’t feel heat (My hands actually felt cold), but I felt a shift in my alignment like someone/Spirits gave me an adjustment to my posture, with hands guiding over my body. I feel my chakras have opened, energy rising and I was moving clockwise and then anti-clockwise. I felt a spiral of golden light circling around my body, down and up again. I felt happy and remember I sneezed. Afterwards when the energy left I sat quietly and did a meditation on emptiness.

– Sarah

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