
Kamira – Healers Course

Kamira – Healers Course
I felt your energy in the room with me the comfort and warmth was out of this world…my angels and guides were also in the room I felt surrounded…my dad who passed few years ago told me he was there with me and was so proud of me following my path and not letting anyone stop me or get in the way so I got emotional because of he being there but also his words of courage ? he also said you are a beautiful lady and (that I do know.)..had visions to help to work towards my dreams and goals…third eye wide open pulsing, kundalini spinny like crazy anti clockwise and clockwise…warmth everywhere, i knew tou were finishing up cause dad said she is finishing up and told me when you were done… (my dad is a nosing man lol and always wants to tell you all thats happening haha)…. towards the end my head became extremely heavy, pulsing and then light….
so yay thank you so much beautiful Carrie, I am extremely grateful for this and cant thank you enough xoxox
– Kamira
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